The Digital Maturity Assessment (EU)

The Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) tool is a free resource developed by the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) under the Digital Europe Programme. Launched in 2023, it helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and public sector organizations evaluate their digital maturity across several dimensions. These dimensions include digital business strategy, digital readiness, human-centric digitalization, data management, automation and AI, and green digitalization.

The tool is designed to provide companies with an understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement in digital transformation. Based on the results, businesses can access tailored support and resources, such as funding for digitalization activities, with micro and small enterprises eligible for up to €5000 in aid. 

The assessment process consists of three main parts. First, basic information about the company is gathered to allow for comparisons of digital maturity across various industries, sizes, and regions. This is followed by an evaluation of the company’s digital maturity across six dimensions, such as digital strategy, readiness, automation, and green digitalization. Lastly, businesses, particularly small and micro-enterprises, are offered the opportunity to receive financial support of up to €5000 to aid in digitizing their business processes, with personalized recommendations based on the assessment results.

By July 2023, 669 Latvian companies had used the tool, with 657 applications for digitization support being approved. The DMA tool is part of a larger EU effort to promote the uptake of digital technologies across member states and improve the advanced digital skills of citizens.

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